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Jul 20, 20247 min read
First canned beer
Canned beer wasn’t publicly or commercially available until 24th January 1935, a surprisingly late invention for such an ancient drink.

May 15, 20248 min read
First kombucha
The first kombucha, the myths and history of the fermented tea renowned for its health-giving properties

Mar 24, 20248 min read
First Earl Grey tea
The (tea)potted history of the world's first Earl Grey tea blend

Feb 23, 20247 min read
First coupe glass
One of the most headline-grabbing stories is the claim that the coupe's shallow bowl shape is moulded on Marie Antoinette’s left breast.

Jun 11, 20237 min read
First tea bag
For such a commonplace cupboard essential, the origin of the tea bag is steeped in a surprising amount of mystery – no one seems to be...

Jun 11, 20225 min read
First use of the word tequila
Tequila is the America’s first distilled drink, and first commercial alcohol. But it also has a turbulent and blood-thirsty history.

Feb 21, 202210 min read
First ice sold worldwide
Ice is such a natural and ubiquitous part of modern life, often available at the touch of a button from suburban freezers, that it’s hard...

Jan 4, 20223 min read
First whisky to be marketed as a single malt
The story of the first single malt to be actively marketed outside the UK – effectively starting the modern-day boom of single malt whisky.

Jan 1, 20223 min read
First cocktail umbrella
The cocktail umbrella is just a toothpick with a fancy wardrobe and a swagger. But who first added them to their drink? And why?

Oct 9, 20216 min read
First addition of milk to tea
The first written evidence we have for people enjoying tea with 'milk' is from a Mongolian doctor and writer living in China in 14th century

Aug 10, 20216 min read
First Courvoisier cognac
Courvoisier cognac boasts an incredible origin story; one steeped in adventure & entrepreneurialism (via Napoleon Bonaparte’s court).

Aug 9, 20213 min read
First use of the word liqueur
The first known use of the word ‘liqueur’ in its modern sense was in 1755, written by the gloriously named Father Polycarpe Poncelot.

Jul 16, 20211 min read
First cup of tea in China
For a drink so deeply rooted in Chinese ceremony, culture and celebration, it will come as no surprise that tea has such a mythical and...
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